1- AFRATAPEM, School of arts and creative therapies, Tours
Centre for teaching and research under the high patronage of the Ministry of Higher education and Research, and the Ministry of Culture
In collaboration with the Universities of Medicine and Pharmacology of Tours, Grenoble and Lille.
Official certification of art and creative therapies defined as a 2-level degree by the national state (Master’s degree)
The Afratapem, named “Ecole de Tours” by the scientific community, is a training centre in arts therapies (all techniques combined: music therapy, drama therapy, dance and movement therapy).
The Afratapem is a 1901 Law non-profit, research and teaching centre, known as an international reference in its field.
The School of Tours led the first national university training in France dedicated to art therapy, inaugurating the first University Degree in arts and creative therapies in 1983, in collaboration with the University of Medicine of Tours.
This degree offers an official certification: Art, Music, Drama and dance therapist, classified by the national state as a training of 2d level (corresponding to the European Master’s degree – baccalaureate + 4 years).
The Afratapem is currently working in partnership with many universities of Medicine in France (Tours, Lille, Grenoble) and internationally (Romania, Korea)
More than 1500 thesis have been supported so far.
Sponsorship committee
Prof. P. BOULARD from the Academy of Medicine / O. DEBRE, painter / Docteur J. DELANEAU, Senator, former President of the Conseil General of Indre-et-Loire / B. MEEHAN, conservator at the Trinity College of Dublin / Prof. E. ARON from the Academy of Medicine / Prof. A. GOUAZE, former President of the Conférence des Doyens de France / Prof. M.LECUREUIL, former President of the University of Tours / Prof. A. DEGIOVANNI, Prof. C. BARTHELEMY, Prof. P. SIZARET / Dr J.-P. CHEVROLLIER
Administrative Council of the School of arts therapy
President : Mrs J. THOUVENOT, retired
Honorary President : Prof. J. THOUVENOT, Phd in Medicine, former University lecturer.
Treasurer : M. H.-O. RAIMBAULT, art therapist, educator
Secretaire : Mrs S. BORTOLOTTI, dance teacher
General direction : N. BERTHOMIER
Training and research direction : F. CHARDON
Administrative informations
N° SIRET : 327 815 213 00027
Code APE : 9412Z
N° declaration of activity : 24 37 00251 37
“Arts therapist” is a title registered at the 2d level of State’s training levels’ nomenclature.
Registrqted in the National Repertoire of professional certifications
Arrêté from the 10/08/2012, JO from the 22/08/2012. Arrêté du 10 août 2012, Journal Officiel du 22 août 2012 (extrait)
All texts and visuals on this website are registered and protected.
Official certification of art and creative therapies
Defined as a 2-level degree by the national state (Master’s degree)
I– Initiation to arts and creative therapies course – Tours – all techniques combined – Détails
II– Art therapy course – 2 consecutive parts as follow:
– Theoretical and practical fundaments – Tours/Lyon/Lille – all techniques combined – Détails
– Methodological applications – Tours – all techniques combined – Détails
III-Specialized Artistic workshops – Tours – Détails
The professional entitlement of “art and creative therapist” is gained after attempting each course, and after the acquisition of every credit, validated by the Afratapem and the state.
Draft executive decision from the 10th of August 2012, ‘Journal Officiel’ from the 22d of August 2012 (extract) Arrêté du 10 août 2012, Journal Officiel du 22 août 2012 (extrait)
University Degree in creative therapies (Unit of Training and Research in Medicine) – Détails
Tours, Grenoble, Lille (ICL)
University degrees in arts therapies (UFR: Unit of Training and Research in Medicine) brings a scientific support to the profession. Currently, the DU (University Diplomas) must be delivered by a medical instance (French higher education) and must precisely mention – without any “add-ons” – the label “ Art-therapie” (in French).
To find more about our profession:
1– To be an arts and creative therapist, you must possess:
2– An artistic competence
3– A professional qualification (article L.6313-1 of the Labour Code)
4– A University Degree in arts and creative therapies (UFR Medicine) bringing the scientific support
A guarantee that you support and respond to the deontological code of arts and creative therapists
Audience : artists, health professionals, cultural and social workers, students, etc.
Every artistic technique accepted: Paint, music, theatre, pantomime, dance, story-telling, calligraphy, sculpture, photography, video, etc.
In regards to the development of Arts and creative therapies in the different professional fields (art therapy in hospitals, music therapy, etc.), it seems that it is very important to propose a national definition of these professions. A document called “Profession Label” defines the arts and creative therapy led by all forms of techniques – music therapy, edugraphy, dance and drama therapy, plastic arts, etc. – and its framework and professional opportunities. It includes the deontological code and the Guild of Arts therapists.
The Label includes the deontology Code and the “Guild” which presents a list of qualified arts therapists. This booklet also explains the professional applications of arts and creative therapy, as well as the different status of the arts therapists in France. You can find out more about these last topics in the “Status and opportunities” section.
You can order the booklet if you are:
– A professional art therapist, music therapist, drama therapist, dance and movement therapist looking for a position
– An employer looking for some informations about arts therapy
– To prospective students looking for a funding
– For everyone who is looking to know more about this profession
Receive the “Profession Label” by mail
Traduction réalisée avec l’aimable contribution de Chloé Bonet.